Sunday, December 23, 2012

The first three months....

I can hardly believe it's been 3 1/2 months since I gave birth to this little nugget! Time flies...well sometimes it flies, and other times it can't go by fast enough. These past three months have been a whirlwind to say the least. The first three weeks we had our little guy home, we were just soaking it all in and trying to figure out what parenthood was all about, enjoying every second....and then BOOM. The colic hit. I would not wish a colicky baby on my worst enemy. It is the saddest, most frustrating thing in the entire world. It makes you want to pull your hair out. EVERY DAY. And my baby did NOT just have a mild's bad. And it wasnt just in the evening, it was SCREAMING....ALL. DAY. LONG. People tell you to try a million different colic-curing things, (all of which they SWORE by and worked magic for their babies...I of course tried ALL OF THEM and nothing worked.) Other people tell you that none of those things worked and that by three months your baby will just grow out of it....which of course you think will never happen, but in our case it has finally started getting better THANK GOODNESS. People who say that parenthood is all fun and games, bells and whistles, are either freaking crazy or full of crap. BUT, I will say this....although the last three months have had some of the most miserable days I have ever experienced, the good days make all the crappy ones SOOO worth it.  I couldn't even imagine going back to life without our sweet (and sassy) little Madsen. He is the love of our lives. He has grown out of the really bad colic phase, but still has his colicky moments. Colicky times set aside, he has started talking (cooing) like crazy, has the biggest smile in the entire world (gets that big mouth from his daddy :) ) and is constantly playing with his tongue (which is weirdly long like his mammas.) He loves licking zippers on any of his hoodies or jackets, it's hilarious. He has really started paying attention to toys, trys to grab things, and of course puts them straight in his mouth! He can pretty much put his entire fist in his mouth. He loves watching TV (all those gay cartoons I swore I would never turn on...and of course ESPN with dad), and playing underneath his little play gym. He mastered the art of rolling over a couple weeks ago and now he WILL NOT STOP. I try to change his diaper, he's trying to roll over, I try to get him dressed, he tries to roll over, I put him to sleep on his back, I find him flipped to his tummy....he's a mad man with the rolls! This boy loves being on his tummy (he actually sleeps better this way so I don't mind so much)  Stat-wise, he is growing like a weed! Last check up, he was 100%tile for height and 79%tile for weight! He is a big boy and we love it. He has also started laughing these last few weeks and it is seriously the cutest thing ever! He has the cutest little giggle....only problem is it gives him the hiccups every freakin time- so annoying! But he really is the cutest thing you have ever seen in your life. He has finally started being happy enough that we can truly enjoy him. He melts my heart every day! We started giving him rice cereal a little before 3 months and at that point he started sleeping 9 hours straight at night so that has been SO nice! I hope he just keeps sleeping longer and longer! We are so excited to have our fist Christmas as a little family! It's fun to shop for your baby, even though they really dont need a dang thing. Madsen's biggest present from mommy and daddy is going to be his $2,300 HELMET. Yep that's right, of course my kid needs a helmet lol. It's ok though, no worries we have come to terms with it haha. Mads has tortacollis (he didn't have enough room in my belly which caused one side of his neck muscles to be shorter which caused him to only turn his head one way which caused that side of his head to get really flat) hence the need for a helmet! He has also been going to physical therapy to get the one side of his neck stronger and his is doing awesome. I'm making my kid sound handicapped....he really is normal, just has a funky shaped noggin that we figured we better get rounded out in case he ends up bald like his daddy! Anyway, sorry this post was so long, it's been a crazy 3 months and I had lots to share...I am going to start trying to be better at updating this so the posts will be shorter. In a nutshell....parenthood is crazy and hard, but the best thing in the entire world. We are so blessed to have our sweet little Mads, we love him more than anything!
One month
Two months

Three Months